A mid-term update.
Due to corona the project requires new creative ways of working together to ensure that the project keeps moving forward. In March we planned to have our second transnational project meeting, however since travel and safety restrictions prevented us from travelling, we unfortunately had to cancel this meeting. Instead of this reunion we organised an online session with all partners. Through an interactive session were partners could share their input, we gathered a great amount of information that was used to feed into the next steps towards developing our intellectual output.
During the online meeting in March we used the method of Group Decision Room (GDR).
A report of the session was made and discussed with all partners. The outcomes have been discussed with the supplier of the eportfolio, who will embed our remarks and ideas in the portfolio.
So far, one item of the intellectual output has been realized; the transfer of the ePortfolio to France, Italy and Lithuania in their native languages. Currently, the foundation is there but we are still working on areas for improvement and iteration.
In the meantime two partners are working closely together on the next intellectual output.
Online meetings and discussions and exchanging of ideas are at the base of a functional design to help construct the portfolio optimally. Currently the concept version of the functional design is ready, which is now shared with the other partners so that they can incorporate their feedback, judge whether it is applicable to their situation (actively asking national partners), and provide suggestions for improvement.
In this iterative way new ideas will be gathered and will be incorporated into the functional design so that a final report can be handed over to the supplier of the portfolio. This report will be used to construct, implement, and improve, new and existing functionalities within the CoZiMa portfolio suited to the needs of the various countries, their educational systems and labour market demand.
All the remarks will be integrated in the system during the summer period. As a next step all partners can test and work with the new modules and adaptations. These experiences and possible new ideas will be discussed in October when the next project meeting is planned. We hope at that time Corona has subsided and that we will be able to meet each other in real life to make new plans and take the following steps towards a fully functional and practical design.